Monday, August 8, 2022


 Recent events locally and internationally have cemented the fact that power only respects power and two, that those involved in the game of power are always on the look out to extend their own and minimise their opponent’s advantage.

Locally we saw the National Resistance Movement (NRM) first coopting Democratic Party (DP) president Norbert Mao (Its not clear whether the party is coming along) to its agenda and then pulling out all stops to win the Soroti East constituency.

Internationally, we saw Russia continuing its campaign in Ukraine despite the world’s criticism. For Russia the campaign in Ukraine is not another thing on the day’s to do list but a real existential threat, the loss of which will come with consequences to dire to bare.

And finally, US house speaker Nancy Pelosi made a symbolic visit to Taiwan despite loud protestations by Beijing. US official policy remains for a one-China policy. Pelosi’s visit was a case study in the separation of powers in practice I the US government.

"In all these cases it is clear power seeks to always concentrate more power to itself and loath to allow it dissipate away from itself....

When you are at the top of the hill you have a strategic advantage and most of your effort is expended in defending that position from challengers. This may entail fending off the challengers’ attacks head on or spread dissension in their ranks with the aim of blunting their resolve.

Its not time to seat on your laurels once you have attained power, something the NRM knows all too well.

On one television talk show an opposition member was whining about the NRM wanting to win everything even a “small” constituency like Soroti East. For the leader nothing is too small, as losing even once can be blown out of proportion by the opponents to give them impression that this is the beginning of the end. And in the game of power, perception trumps fact often enough.

Another thing is that power is amoral. The end justifies the means. You cannot appeal to its better nature or shame it into good behaviour. For those out of power, raising moral objections to the actions of power is a way to appeal to the court of public opinion and hope the public will be disgusted enough to do something. Hope though, is not a strategy....

As we have seen in Ukraine, Russia on one hand is fighting the Ukrainian forces but also working to demoralize the public through “accidental” bombings of malls, theaters and residential areas. It is also working to weaken the EU’s unity by denying the gas, critical for heating in the coming winter season. Western observers are crying themselves hoars about war crimes, but the Russians are continuing along their merry way.

The issue of war crimes is also a hazy one. When war is declared who are the enemy? The man in uniform seeking to end you, is clearly an enemy combatant but what about the civilians who cheer them on, offer them refuge and would not be averse to shooting you in the back in support of their own forces? The theory is clear but in the chaos of battle, clarity is a casualty.

In the last week, the US killed Al Qaeda strong man Ayman al-Zawahiri believed to be responsible for the September 11, 2001 bombing of the Twin Towers in New York and the earlier bombing of the Kenyan and Tanzanian embassies in 1998.

Using high precision missiles fired from a drone Al Zawahiri was killed as he stood on his verandah. There were reports that the missiles do not explode but rather use blades to kill only the target, minimizing collateral damage. However, footage released later showed the top floor of the building Al Zawahiri was believed to be in, was flattened. Its hard to believe any one in his vicinity survived. War crime or not? Who decides?

Power only understands power. If there is no equal and opposite reaction, power will have its way.

The US argues that while the official policy is to recognize one China with Taiwan they cannot interfere with the working of the legislature for which Pelosi is the speaker of Congress. China would have cognitive challenges understanding how all arms of government do not work in unison. The truth of course is that Taiwan continues to exist as an independent nation because the US has promised to defend their independence. Without that you can rest assured they would be back in the China fold quicker than you can say Chiang Kai-Shek.

"The point is power operates according to a different moral code than the wielders of power preach to us. Power has little use for the golden rule – treat your neighbour as yourself. It has its uses, in indoctrinating Sunday schoolers.

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